Mostrando de 1 a 6 de 6 entradas disponibles para el día 28/03/22
Aurora Lunch Talk Series - Sharing Experiences: Let's talk about internationalisation
Del 1 de marzo al 7 de junio de 2022
Online - Zoom
Join us for our monthly lunch talk! This is a series where members of Aurora universities working or interested in the field of internationalisation are invited to share experiences, debate and ask questions. The aim is to create an interactive get-together where we can learn from each other, share ideas and good practices.
Open Aurora courses at the University of Innsbruck
Del 1 de febrero al 30 de junio de 2022
Universität Innsbruck has opened 5 Aurora courses on a Bachelor, Master and PhD level. In addition, through Aurora, students have the opportunity to participate in classes organized by other Aurora universities. We welcome all students to sign up and participate in this spring's courses.
The courses are as follows:
- 800.860 Environment & Care: Canadian Perspectives (Bachelor Level, online, lecture, 3 ECTS Credits)
- 800.870 Social Entrepreneurship & Innovation focusing on Sustainability & Climate Change (Master Level, blended format/short term mobility, course, 5 ECTS Credits)
- 800.871 Educational Inequality (Master Level, online, lecture, 5 ECTS Credits)
- 800.872 Climate Protection (Master Level, online, lecture, 2,5 ECTS Credits)
- 645.900 Doctoral Seminar: "Borders and Places" (PhD Level, short term mobility, seminar 5 ECTS Credits)
The deadline for registration for the Bachelor's and Master's level courses is expected to last until January 30 (or until the maximum number of participants has been reached). The registration period for the system on PhD Level is expected to start on March 1.
Take a look at the brochure for a complete overview of available courses, as well as practical information on enrolling. Take a look at the UIBK Aurora Course Offerings on how to register for the courses.
“Ecosystems disruption by IT” open for Aurora Students – Feb/March 2022 @VUA
Del 8 de febrero al 31 de marzo de 2022
VU Amsterdam, via Zoom
Eco-systems disruption by IT
A MSc. level, interdiscplinary course on how innovative IT influences business, open to VU MSc. students & EU-Aurora MSc. students
When: Feb / March 2022 (first lecture Feb 8th)
Where: VU Amsterdam, via Zoom
Topic: How to design digital ecosystems
How: Lectures and practical design of ecosystems, hybrid teachingDownload flyer: flyer-Ecosystems-disruption-by-IT-VUA-Amsterdam
Critical Reading of the Medical Literature
Del 28 de febrero al 9 de mayo de 2022
Online - Moodle
This course is organized by the Universitat Rovira i Virgili and it is open to URV students and students from the different branches of Health Sciences, within Aurora.
How to search, select, critically appraise and interpret scientific evidence is an essential skill for health professionals and scientists in the making of evidence based decisions and diagnositcs in their day to day research and clinical activities. The NCBI/NLM/NIH PubMed database is a widely available source of peer-reviewed medical and scientific literature.
The weekly course (3 ECTS subject) runs from late February to mid-May and is based mainly on team work to develop skills in communication, critical thinking and reporting. The final 2 sessions consist of a debate and a simulated conference setting in which students give oral presentations and also participate in the debate / microphone sessions for questions and answers.
28/02/2022 - 09/05/2022, weekly, 2 hour afternoon sessions (excluding Easter exam week and break).
To register, complete the form.
Interdisciplinary Community Service Learning (iCSL): addressing challenges through transdisciplinary research
Del 1 de febrero al 30 de junio de 2022
Blended - Free University of Amsterdam (VU)
The course is aimed for Master students from any discipline working on a thesis/internship/project-work related to any of the four themes (1. Climate change adaptation: urban gardens and urban agriculture; 2. Climate change mitigation: energy transitions; 3. Digital inclusion; 4. COVID-19).
The course provides students with the opportunity to work on their own graduation project, while at the same time work in a transdisciplinary team with students from other master programs and other countries working on a similar topic and involving local communities.
This course runs parallel to Master research, Internships or thesis and provides opportunity for students to collaborate across different disciplines in their Internship/research/thesis theme or topic. It aims to maximize the internship/research experience of students by engaging them in interdisciplinary and international collaborative ventures that are geared toward solving complex societal problems. The course also helps students build professional network, develop soft skills relevant for professional development, and be better prepared for a successful career after graduation.
You can read more on the course here:
University of Duisburg-Essen's Spring School: Openness, Tolerance and Sense of Community Narratives and Realities of Contemporary Societies
Del 28 de marzo al 1 de abril de 2022
University of Duisburg-Essen (Germany)
There are many competing diagnoses and characterisations of contemporary societies: as capitalist, open, postmodern, transnational or polarised and divided. This Spring School aims to question such simplistic diagnoses and to analyse which, partly competing, partly complementary, ideas and hypotheses are hidden behind these labels. We want to understand which positionings and power relations are expressed in the various characterisations of contemporary societies and, based on this, question what is supposed to hold contemporary societies together - and whether it needs to be held together at all. In three panels we aim to investigate specifically how the humanistic ideals of public spirit and community, openness, and tolerance shape and are being shaped, striven for, as well as negotiated and contested by contemporary society. In addition, this Spring School features a performative societal laboratory, where we aim to generate a different, embodied and performative type of knowledge about the themes of the Spring School.
The Spring School will take place in Duisburg, Germany in March 28th to April 1st 2022.
The deadline for submissions is 10th of January 2022. Cost of registration is €400, including tuition, accommodation and meals.