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Open courses for Aurora students in Spring/Summer 2023
Del 1 de abril al 31 de agosto de 2023
This spring and summer, all Aurora students are invited to have a look at what courses are on offer for them at other Aurora universities.
Click the button below to access more information on Aurora short courses and Summer Schools. Application are now open, find out how to apply on the respective course websites:
Each Aurora university has an allocation of Aurora funding to support outward mobility, and this may be available for your selected courses. Please check with your home university's study abroad office for details on how to access relevant funding.
We hope you will be able to take the opportunity to study abroad at another Aurora university during your degree!
So what are you waiting for? Sign up for a course to acquire new knowledge or learn a new skill!
*Admission to a course does not guarantee that the achieved learning outcomes or grades will be recognized at your home institution for your respective study programme. It is recommended to discuss recognition issues with the respective office/person at your home institution (e.g. Dean of Studies) as soon as possible.
Are you a URV student? Are you interested in attending an in-person course? Take a look at the URV SHORT-TERM INTERNATIONAL MOBILITY AURORA Programme (2021-22) The call for the present Academic Year is still pending of being published.