Enviromental Economics: Sustainable supply chain management
Del 27 de enero al 14 de febrero de 2022
27.01.22 / 31.01.22 / 03.02.22 /07.02.22 /10.02.22 /14.02.22
Timing of the course: All the lectures will take place from 10:15 to 13:00 with 30 mins break after the first hour
In the lecture we will focus on assessing and measuring sustainable development from macro to micro levels with different normative perspectives along the supply chains systems. These perspectives include environmentally driven assessments, supply chain normative, closed loop supply chains and circular economies, logistics concepts, the global sustainable development framework, the quality-of-life perspective and crosscutting views. Moreover, the course will tackle the concepts which are bridging the macro and micro perspectives, like circular economy as well as urban system sustainability.
PD. Dr. habil. A. Melkonyan
Registration Deadline: 27.01.22 10:00 am
Registration: ani.melkonyangottschalk@uni-due.de
More information can be found in the flyer.