Universitat Rovira i Virgili

[POSTPONED] Co-creation Training Workshop

Del 3 al 5 de febrero de 2022

Athena Institute, Vrije University Amsterdam (VUA), the Netherlands

The Co-Creation training will not be able to take place in the intended form. This is mainly due to the newly received regulations.Therefore, the full co-creation training will be postponed to a new date closer to the summer, on which we can carry out the full event in its intended form.

However, there will be a smaller online inspirational session on co-creation on February 3rd - 13:30-16:30, in which the topic will be introduced, keynotes on co-creation will take place and some of our AURORA experts will share and discuss their experience with co-creation. This will be a build up for the main event that will be carried out later on this year. We would like to invite you for this session! Registration is possible via this link: https://vuamsterdam.eu.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_aWusjPxxslaTgJE

Our sincere apologies for any troubles this has caused regarding your plans and eventual steps you took to make the trip possible.

VU Athena Institute

The Co-creation Training Workshop which will be held on February 3rd to 5th, 2022 at the Athena Institute, Vrije University Amsterdam (VUA), the Netherlands, will provide a platform for Co-creation experts, practitioners, interested researchers and educators, Ph.D. students, and community partners to discuss and share knowledge and experiences on co-creation practices aimed towards connecting science and society. The main aims of the event are as follows:

  • Facilitate sharing of ideas and experiences on co-creation (best practices, pitfalls, innovations)
  • Connect co-creation experts, practitioners, students, and community partners from around the world
  • Build an engaged community of co-creation practitioners
  • Foster co-creation practices in research and education within and beyond the AURORA alliance

The full program can be found here.

Register directly!


  • Start: 3. 2. 2022
  • End: 5. 2. 2022


  • Athena Institute, Vrije University Amsterdam – Amsterdam, Netherlands View Venue Website


  • VU Amsterdam
  • Email: maria-jose.mc@aurora-network.global

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