Universitat Rovira i Virgili

Tarragona Autumn Biannual

16-17 November 2021 - Universitat Rovira i Virgili (Tarragona)

The Aurora Autumn Biannual will take place in Tarragona this year. This event aims to encourage discussion on transversal topics such as Internationalization, the Aurora Competence Framework, Design Thinking, the Aurora Student of the future, between task teams and work packages, rather than offering a site for individual task teams and work packages to meet.

If you would like to attend physically, you should contact your Institutional Coordinator, who is organizing your university's delegation.

Plenary sessions will be streamed and recorded, so they can be followed by anyone interested throughout the Aurora network.

For further information regarding the Aurora Biannual in Tarragona you can contact the institutional coordinator at your university.


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