Matching academic excellence with societal relevance
Aurora is a partnership of research-intensive European universities deeply committed to the social impact of our activities, and with a history of engagement with the communities in which we operate. The URV joined this partnership in 2019. Our overall vision is to use our academic excellence to influence societal change through our research and education. Our key priorities are to maximise the societal impact of our research, encourage diversity and inclusion, and use student engagement to drive innovation in teaching and learning.
Aurora received a significant boost in 2020 after being recognised as one of the 41 alliances of the European Universities Initiative. It was a pivotal moment for our university, as it meant we entered a new stage of cooperation in teaching and research. As a part of the European Universities Initiative, we receive financial support from the European Commission through the Erasmus+ and Horizon programmes.
On this website, you will find relevant information and opportunities related to Aurora. Welcome!